26 September 2010

We Are Here

I could tell you about the most beautiful skies I have ever seen on the flight to Chicago.

I could tell you about the instant connection with Sister Nelson in the waiting area at O'Hare.

I could tell you about the pleasant seat neighbors and the much better food on American than the airline I flew last time when I came here.

I could tell you a lot of things that might be interesting to someone who worshipped the ground I walked on...

But I am going to tell you what you really need to know...

I met him at the Civil Affairs office yesterday at about 10:30.

I said, "I'm sorry I took so long."

He said, "That's okay."

Please continue to keep us in your prayers for jet lag and air quality and changing from one way of doing things to another. The hotel bed is great and so are the towels. I am in the middle of a good book that is keeping me company in the middle of the night. And I have finally found time and alertness to blog. I will do pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you are there and have your sweet son!!!! Hurray!!!!


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